So, it has been about a month since I returned back to work, and I have to say adjusting to this new routine might be a study in insanity. We have all heard the quote, “the definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results”, and just to clear the air- No, Albert Einstein should not be attributed to this quote (it was probably a quote first published by Narcotics Anonymous in 1981). So, it is possible I am insane to have taken on motherhood, fulltime career, school, kids activities, and for good measure (pun intended) my quartet started back up, and oh I think I might have a loving husband in there too. Yes, you might call it insane, but personally I think this is proving that like most things in life- resilience, grit, and a loving family can help you succeed. I have seen so many acronyms FOMO, YOLO, GOAT (I have to say once again thank you, urban dictionary. You make this geriatric millennial or xennial or whatever I am called understand the world), well I am going to create my own, and maybe one day someone will say, didn’t Einstein say we should all G.O.A.L. (Go Out And Live/Love/Learn/Lead)


On reflection of my first submission